Some argued that a double contract is suspected, as the total difference between the officially announced content and the actual contract is up to 1.4 billion won. 토토사이트
Yoo Jeong-joo, a lawmaker of the Democratic Party of Korea, held a press conference at the National Assembly’s communications hall on the 23rd and claimed that many cases were found that club officials were suspected of pocketing back money when signing FA contracts.
Representative Yoo said, In March, Jang Jung-seok, former general manager of KIA Tigers, was found to have demanded back money from Park Dong-won, who qualified as an FA, revealing the truth of the FA back money deal, which had been handed down like a traditional theory, adding, The Korea Baseball Organization and the professional baseball team are not following baseball rules that must be strictly followed.
At the same time, Rep. Yoo also pointed out the poor management of KBO, which oversees professional baseball. Representative Yoo said, FA players must prepare a unification contract with the club, and the club must submit it to the KBO president. However, there are many FA contracts held by KBO that differ from the contents of the KBO yearbook, he said.
There is a difference between the official announcement and the contract in terms of the total amount and options, from as much as 1.4 billion won to as little as 50 million won. Some contracts have also found that the player’s signature and handwriting are different, he said. This is a deliberate forgery and alteration of the FA contract by a club official. On top of that, KBO also did not thoroughly review the falsely written contract.
In addition, he mentioned a case in which a club official secretly pocketed some of the amount of the FA contract without even knowing the player. Player A, who signed an FA contract with the SK Wyverns (the predecessor of SSG Landers), said he learned through a police investigation that a club official had pocketed back money related to his FA contract.
Lawyer Kang Yoon-kyung, A’s legal representative, said, Player A did not ask for back money or receive any money from club officials. However, he was suspected by the police because of the self-funded money of the club official, and was branded as a bad player who gave him back money in the baseball world, revealing that player A’s contract submitted by SK to KBO was falsely written.
Lawyer Kang said, The down payment, annual salary, and options that player A actually received from the SK club are very different from the contract kept by KBO. If this contract is written by someone without the player’s knowledge, it is a crime that constitutes forgery of private documents, he said.
And lawyer Kang said, I asked SSG to confirm the contract of player A held by the club. However, the club made an unconventional answer that if player A showed the contract first, the club would also show it, he complained.
Representative Yoo said, If a team official systematically asks for back money from a player or creates secret back money without knowing the player, it is a professional baseball FA back money scandal, adding, A full investigation into the FA contract is needed. In addition, institutional measures should be in place to prevent this from repeating itself anymore, he said.
Meanwhile, Rep. Yoo of the National Assembly’s Culture, Sports and Tourism Committee plans to ask KBO President Heo Gu-yeon, who will attend as a witness at the parliamentary audit on the 24th, about the FA contract back-up transaction and the KBO’s poor management of FA contracts.