수원FC가 2018년 제18회 자카르타·팔렘방 아시안게임 금메달리스트 장윤호(28) 영입을 발표하며 올겨울 이적시장 첫 포문을 열었다. 1996년생 장윤호는 지난 2015년 전북현대 유니폼을 입고 프로 데뷔하며 K리그에 발을 내디뎠다. 이후 인천유나이티드와 서울 이랜드 FC로 임대돼 기량을 다졌고, 2023년 […]
‘Don’t give up’ Jeonbuk answers plea with win…Andriel scores one goal and one assist
No. 11 Jeonbuk Hyundai defeated No. 2 Ulsan HD at Jeonju Castle to clinch the Hyundai derby after five games. Jeonbuk defeated Ulsan 2-0 in the 24th round of the Hana Bank K League 1 […]
‘Hyundai derby winner’ Kim Doo-hyun “awakened DNA that we can do anything against any opponent”
Jeonbuk Hyundai gained confidence with a convincing victory in the ‘Hyundai Street Derby’. Jeonbuk defeated Ulsan HD 2-0 with a goal from Thiago and a brace from Andrigo in the 24th round of the Hana […]
Jeonbuk’s Kim Doo-hyun “1st period has started, so watch me”…debut loss
Kim Doo-hyun suffered a disappointing defeat in his debut as head coach of Jeonbuk Hyundai. Jeonbuk lost 1-2 to Gangwon FC in the 15th round of the 2024 K League 1 at Songam Sports Town […]