With a 1-1 record in KBS’s new sports show “Ball+Volunteer,” which pits Korea’s legendary soccer stars against a team of ordinary people in a “futsal showdown,” the Youngpyo team proposes the first-ever “betting soccer” with a third opponent full of 파워볼사이트 acquaintances.

In the upcoming episode of KBS Sports’ YouTube show, “Poluntier,” which will be released on May 25, Youngpyo’s team is tired after playing two matches in a row, and Kim Young Kwang’s acquaintances happen to be on the opposing team. “What’s going on! Wow…I see you here!” Kim Young Kwang greeted the junior, making him curious. “Who are you? Are you an athlete? Are you good?” Hyun Young-min began to bombard him with questions. Even the opposing players, who boasted specialties unlike any other team, appeared with strange extensions such as ‘tongs and scissors(?)’, creating tension.
In addition, the opposing team included high school classmates of ‘soccer star’ Nam Woo-hyun, as well as members who were former players, predicting a tough match. Nam Woohyun said, “I’m a high school classmate, and I’m a gymnast. Look at his calves,” and the player named as Nam Woo-hyun’s classmate overwhelmed Youngpyo’s team, whose average age was 39, with his ”beautiful physicality.
After hearing the introduction of the opposing team, captain and coach Lee Young-pyo proposed another bet in addition to the donation, raising curiosity. The contents of the bet and the identity of the opposing team will be revealed in the third episode of ‘Poluntier’.
The story of the Taegeuk Warriors, who dream of making social contributions through soccer balls, will be released on October 25 at 6 p.m. on KBS Sports YouTube channel.