The 2024 KBO Rookie Draft will be played in a full-scale draft method. Nominations will be made from the first round to the 11th round, in the order of Hanwha-Doosan Bears-Lotte Giants-Samsung Lions-NC Dinos-KIA Tigers-kt wiz-LG Twins-Kium Heroes and SSG Landers, the reverse order of the club’s ranking in 2023.
In addition, under the early draft system, which has been in effect since last year, second-year college players will also be eligible to participate in the draft. 토토사이트링크

Kiwoom, which was transferred through the previous trade under the rules that allowed the club to exchange the nomination rights for players next year, will exercise the nomination rights of LG, KIA, and Samsung, respectively, and NC will exercise the nomination rights of Hanwha in the seventh round.
Hanwha, which holds the right to nominate first place overall, was the first to nominate Hwang Joon-seo. Hwang Jun-seo is a left-handed pitcher with a fastball of 150 kilometers per hour, excellent control, and various breaking balls. In this rookie draft, he was selected as the biggest fish along with Kim Taek-yeon.
Hwang Joon-seo showed a steady appearance, especially from the first to third graders of high school. He pitched well with a 1.42 18.2 innings ERA in the first grade, a 1.84 44 innings in the second grade, and a 2.16 49.2 innings in the third grade, raising his stock price. Hanwha chose Hwang Joon-seo and succeeded in filling the left-handed pitcher Depp, who was lacking in the team.
Hwang Joon-seo said, I still can’t believe it. I’m so happy that my hands and feet are shaking, he said of wearing Hanwha’s uniform, It looks good on you. I like it. I will always do my best and become a necessary player for the team, he said.
He then thanked his parents, saying, Thank you and hard work for the eight years of baseball.